Love Your Future: 3 Key Funding Strategies for Your Golden Years

If you’re over 40, chances are you’ve been thinking about retirement – at least, how you’ll fund it. Much more than a pension or 401k make up retirement benefits. Adequately funding your golden years likely will be a combined result of sound investing in a diversified portfolio over a significant time period and insurance benefits. Here’s an overview of a few...

5 Keys to Getting Your Income Tax Return Faster

In the financial services world that we live in at Dreggors, Rigsby and Teal, P.A., we ring in New Year’s Day on January 1.  But, as of January 2, it’s tax prep season. Many of our clients are great partners in helping our CPAs and accountants prepare their income tax paperwork for filing with the IRS. Having your documents ready when we begin preparing your return...

Life insurance that benefits the policy holder and discounts tuition for college-bound beneficiaries

College is expensive; that's no surprise. But what may surprise you is you have more options than you may realize when it comes to saving for it. What if your child's (or grandchild's or nephew's or niece's) tuition was discounted as a benefit of your purchase of a particular life insurance product? With its Tuition Rewards ® program, Cashback Life 20 & 30 is an...

Update your financial records annually

Has it been awhile since you’ve updated the beneficiaries on your estate planning documents? Consider this. An elderly man dies, leaving his estate to his beloved wife of 20 years. But his $200,000 life insurance policy lists his former wife as the beneficiary. Who gets the insurance money? His former wife. This hypothetical case underscores the importance of...

Why you need disability insurance

How would you pay your bills if you suddenly lost your ability to work due to illness or injury? If you have group disability insurance through your employer, you may receive 45 to 60 percent of your salary for a limited time. Unfortunately, more than half of American workers don’t have disability insurance, and those who are covered probably won’t receive enough to...