Investment Services
Customized Investment Plans
You can find a lot of information online these days about investing, but all that information without the expertise and experience of a professional can lead to costly mistakes. Our team brings clarity and confidence to your investment strategy. Our investment services include the following:
Individual Portfolio Management
Dreggors, Rigsby & Teal P.A. offers personalized investment options for corporate, retirement plans, and individual investors. In partnership with clients, we work toward their long-term goals with customized strategies that add value to our clients’ investments. Our experts serve clients in the following ways:
- Identifying your long-term investment goals
- Understanding your personal risk tolerance
- Allocating funds based upon varying asset classes using the growth and value approach.
- Managing taxable accounts to enhance after-tax performance.
We invest our accounts primarily in stocks, bonds and no-load, low-cost passive index funds and ETF’s. The uniform application for investment advisor registration, Form ADV, is the official application document to register as an investment advisor firm.
Trust Services
You’ve worked hard throughout your life and want to ensure that your family, friends, and favorite causes receive part of your estate after you pass. Setting up a trust is a good way to protect your assets and honor your desires. As a trustee for your trust, DRT is the team responsible for:
- Assisting in carrying out the terms of your trust
- Remaining impartial among beneficiaries
- Investing and managing the trust assets
- Administering the trust in the best interest of the beneficiaries
One more thing
To assist in portfolio management and trust services please download the Financial Planning Questionnaire below.
Commonly Asked Questions
What is DRT’s investment philosophy?
We like to invest your core portfolio in individual large company stocks (to avoid mutual fund expense ratios completely on this portion of your investments) and then fill in your portfolio with mutual funds to provide greater diversification (in areas such as smaller company stocks, bonds, and sectors with perceived greater growth potential). With the bulk of your portfolio in individual stocks, your mutual fund expense ratio fees are minimal. We typically invest in mutual funds offered by either Vanguard or Fidelity.
What are mutual funds?
Mutual funds take your money, combine it with other investors with similar goals, and manage the pot of money based on a stated set of criteria. These funds can be index funds that invest in companies that make up an index (such as the S&P 500 index), sector funds that invest in companies relating to a particular sector (such as health care), or funds that follow a specific niche (such as small companies, floating rate bonds, etc.).
How do I get started?
Are you ready to get some support from a team who cares? Contact our office at (386) 734-9441 or email info@drtcpa.com to discuss your needs, prepare a sample portfolio, and provide you with the individual investment fees for each investment in your proposed portfolio.